11th December 2009

Oh, for an ergonomic pew

I’m home again and I’m hungry enough to be ornery. A victim of circumstance and poor retail practices; why on earth are all the fast food places shuttered, hours before midnight on a weekend? I’ll settle for that old standby, a box of chicken wings from the freezer section; 17% protein and not much else.

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posted in music, Wx | Comments Off on Oh, for an ergonomic pew | 289 words

10th December 2009

A perception of lag

This week is taking its own sweet time to get from start to stop. My calculation shows exactly the same number of hours as any other week (time changes excepted), but the subjective side states something very different. Only Thursday?

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posted in economy | Comments Off on A perception of lag | 288 words

9th December 2009

Let it snow (as a curse)

Grumble, grumble. Mutter, mutter. Before going any further: to those persons who have been wishing for an abundant snowfall; a pox on all your houses, down to the seventh generation. To the woman who stood in the bus shelter, shouting into her cellphone; we can all hear you JUST FINE.

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posted in travel, Wx | Comments Off on Let it snow (as a curse) | 298 words

8th December 2009

Please, Mr. Boogeyman, come out and play

An odd little headline on the CBC website this evening. One of the top generals in the WOT (what?) believes that victory won’t be possible until the boogeyman is captured. Let’s start this again. The War On Terror will be won only if  Bin Laden is finally captured. Glad to see that the leaders still have their eye on the goal, so to speak. I thought this whole crazy roadshow was about petroleum and who controlled the rights. Silly me; I wish I had their clarity of vision.

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posted in politics | Comments Off on Please, Mr. Boogeyman, come out and play | 267 words

7th December 2009

What I really should be reading

At various moments in history,  in various languages, it has heen written: “Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es.” Or: “Der Mensch ist, was er ißt.” In the vernacular: “You are what you eat.” As someone who reads, I think what those authors meant to say was “You are what you read.” Rather than detailing what I have read, I thought I’d put up a section of my proposed reading list. One shelf out of many.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on What I really should be reading | 367 words

6th December 2009

Useful guides in an online world

This Internet thing has so many practical uses that I’m ready to begin each day with the hope of discovering one that I “never knew about”. Where to begin?

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posted in technology, travel | Comments Off on Useful guides in an online world | 278 words

5th December 2009

Brand new coins

Here in the Great White North, we have two parallel sets of currency. The first bears the likeness of a monarch (not necessarily a living person). The second, a fellow in a tam with the unlikely name of Sandy McTire. The two currencies are not mutually exclusive, because up here we sometimes have trouble sorting out our banknotes with our fingers hidden in our mittens.

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posted in economy, music | Comments Off on Brand new coins | 258 words

4th December 2009

So long and thanks for all the fish

One of my little pleasures in life has to be the television series Thalassa, out of France. Week after week, they take the time to check out the relationship that mankind has with the sea. So many little differences, so much common ground.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on So long and thanks for all the fish | 295 words

3rd December 2009

A close encounter

Sometimes you end up in the right place at the right time. Without expectation, I caught my usual bus towards the university campus, watching the clock to assure a timely transfer. When the first police car went by, I thought nothing of it. Big city. The second slowed as it passed, and the third simply stopped at the next corner.

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posted in sports | Comments Off on A close encounter | 255 words

2nd December 2009

Memories of a village, somewhere

What do you remember about the place where you were born? Especially if you didn’t live there for a long time, and you haven’t been to visit for an even longer time. Does the place change shape with time?

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posted in history | Comments Off on Memories of a village, somewhere | 388 words

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