Oh, for an ergonomic pew
I’m home again and I’m hungry enough to be ornery. A victim of circumstance and poor retail practices; why on earth are all the fast food places shuttered, hours before midnight on a weekend? I’ll settle for that old standby, a box of chicken wings from the freezer section; 17% protein and not much else.
Tonight is concert night. Son #3 in his next-t0-last round of public performance with a panolpy of wind ensembles and choirs. I’m glad to be there, but after three hours on deal bench my tender parts are numb. The term ergonomic and pew don’t go together in this part of the world. The kids put on a really good show, with decent tuning and a sense of group musicality. One odd note (please excuse the pun, I haven’t eaten yet) was the choice of “Hallelujah” as an encore number by the assembled choirs. Clearly, the lyrics weren’t understood by the assembled multitudes. In an interesting juxtaposition of musical careers, I used to play percussion with a minor in low brass. The kid plays low brass with a sideline on the traps. Cool!
I’ve been paying attention to weather reports out of the Muskoka lake country, where they’ve been caught in a round of snow squalls for several days. Although official numbers are lacking, the local media has reported accumulations in excess of 100 cm, with another possible 80 cm already falling. Do the math: if this continues, they’ll be needing snorkels for the local traffic (what little isn’t already buried in a bank). Makes our significant precipitation from earlier this week seem rather, well, insignificant.
Another day draws to a close. Another week over. Can you tell that I’m ready for a few days of down time?