10th November 2009

A proof of performance

The photograph was carefully posed; staged, really. How else could you explain an image that preceded the real event by months of effort. Obviously, there were hundreds of others, and years of historical record, but this photograph was special.

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9th November 2009

Another day in the life of a Cheap Thrills aficionado

As the past chapter president of the local Cheap Thrills Association, or CTA as my friends call it, I take advantage of the insignificant details. No moment is too mundane, no event too routine. After all, the alternative would be too sad; letting life go by, waiting for the one big surprise.

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8th November 2009

Looking back through the mirror at the wall

The television seems to have gone into a time warp this evening. Channel after channel, knocked back decades along the timeline with a strange view of history.

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7th November 2009

Introduced to the Chapman Stick

We live in exciting times, musically. Access to the riches (at least those that have been recorded) is larger than life. As I get older, I recognize more references than ever before, and the whole thing approaches a deluge.

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posted in music | Comments Off on Introduced to the Chapman Stick | 268 words

6th November 2009

When the bus stop has played musical chairs

Not that they’re listening, but the people who design public transit systems should remember one cardinal rule. The bus stops are not supposed to play musical chairs.

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posted in travel | Comments Off on When the bus stop has played musical chairs | 342 words

5th November 2009

Some new comedy from old comedians

When choosing the cast for your new television comedy, never underestimate the veterans.

Tonight, in a welcome break from too much baseball shock and awe (sarcasm as humour) I caught a pair of new shows that might not make it through the hard stretch in winter. Nevertheless, they were both entertaining. The first, Community, brings Chevy Chase back to the small screen, as a former lawyer who has been forced to return to school. Forget the others in the cast; Chevy is the wise old man in a world of much younger up and comers.

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posted in media, pets | Comments Off on Some new comedy from old comedians | 284 words

4th November 2009

First signs of my future

Be warned, world. If current trends continue, I’m at risk of becoming a cranky old man. All the signs are there, and certain of my clan have already made insinuations.

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3rd November 2009

Not so easy riches

I’m not an entrepreneur. Give me a steady job with a fair salary (and a pension plan) any day, over the quick riches that so many believe are their due. Not to malign the spirit of success, but if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

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2nd November 2009

The details that confuse

Given that part of my rationale for posting here, day after day, is to mark time, I have an admission. I read the news and I react to content. There, my confession.

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1st November 2009

Back when the DJ kept on talking

A litany of inevitable incidents. There we are; today can be categorized. From the return of Brett Favre to Lambeau Field (dressed in Viking colours) to the reelection of the local mayor (with returns currently at 80% in his column, he has the anticipated coronation) and on to the gala for ADISQ (local music awards).

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posted in music | Comments Off on Back when the DJ kept on talking | 356 words

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