The dog is in high stress mode right now. Ever since the streetlights came on, several hours ago, she’s been trying to deal with visitors (invaders), and she’s not doing well. Barking, running from window to window, dealing with timeout in the crate and the imposition of a muzzle. Not fun, says she, and if she can’t repel boarders with her voice and demeanor, what’s left?
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posted in pets, travel |
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a few (place the animal of your choice) in the local park. You know, so that the kids would be able to see real wildlife without the bars of a zoo? I am keeping my tongue planted firmly in my cheek on this one, because we’ve had far too many episodes of tinkering in the natural resource world.
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posted in environment |
My age is showing. I have the car for the evening, and all I can think about is getting the winter tires installed. Of course, my lack of anything resembling an appointment means that I will not be among the entitled, this evening. Plan B means that I’ll be sitting in the garage very early on Saturday next, admiring the display of mag wheels, trim kits and stereos for cars that need MORE VOLUME. At least I’m not apt to spend any money in their shop.
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posted in travel |
Go ahead; try to get by without the necessary tools for the task at hand. Forget your ingenuity; I’m not suggesting that you should drive screws with a handsaw. Once a need has been recognized, the correct solution may involved spending more than planned. Sometimes, ou have to invest in the toolkit to keep the jobsite active.
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posted in computing |
Sometimes, the rush to adapt new technologies leads to comedy. This evening, our local news station (yes, CBC) presented a bulletin on the outbreak of H1N1 (lead story, day after day) in a local school. The public has a right to know, and TV requires visual content. Skip sending the film crew down to the bottom of the hill; we’ll use that newfangled Google Streetview to show where we’re talking about.
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posted in health |
I’m peeved about a thieving hound that has discovered how to feed herself. The dog is just too efficient at kitchen robbing, and it isn’t wrong (right). Rather, I’ll put it down to dissatisfaction with kibble and sufficient height to snare loaves of bread when left alone.
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posted in music |
There’s a seedy side to retail, and I’m not referring to the grain business. Somewhere along the road, the idea of the customer as prey became a rule of thumb. Let me illustrate.
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posted in computing, economy |
Caveat emptor, or in the vernacular, “You pays your money and you takes your chances”. This time around, things are on my side. Back in June, I placed an advance order for Windows 7, at 50% off. Yesterday, my box with the fancy (single) rounded corner arrived, and the game began.
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posted in computing |
My friends will tell you that my own path to getting a driver’s licence was a little scary for all concerned. Still, that was years ago; we’ve changed generations. Tonight was MY first trip as a passenger with one of my children in control.
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posted in education |
posted in Wx |