War is hell. So, according to popular belief, is the combined scourge of adolescence and high school. My own recollection of that long uphill climb isn’t so bad, but I’m not looking for a “do over”.
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posted in music |
I’m not enthralled with the new line that has been drawn in the sand down in Charlottetown. At a time where anyone with the interest to do so can “report” on life on the street, the traditional media has competition. The blog vs the broadsheet, if you prefer. Now, following a decision by the Press Gallery of the P.E.I. Legislative Assembly, only accredited journalists will be allowed direct access to government information. All others, step back and read the interpretation of the vested professionals.
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posted in media |
Several years ago, I attended a seminar dealing with the budgets related to democratic process. In layman’s terms, how many dollars each vote costs for a given tier of government, and what percentage of the electorate responds to the call to the urn. Logically, the more you spend, the more attention you attract. Right now, we’re in the final two weeks before municipal elections, and I’ve had to resort to seeking platform information on my own.
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posted in politics |
I can growl. One of the side effects of my current minor cold is that when I’m not coughing, I can growl much like our dog. She’s confused.
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posted in health |
I take great pride in “not being a creature of habit”. Even though I leave the house at the same time, five days a week, month after month. Even though I always read my morning newspaper while standing in front of the kitchen stove waiting for the coffee machine to heat (it’s not my fault that the machine is slow and the paper is a quick read). I am resolutely flexible, ready for variation, loose.
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posted in food |
Maybe this will be just another broken promise from a regional election campaign. Maybe I won’t have to pay for the local equivalent of a Great Pyramid. After all, the current mayor has “talked big” before now.
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posted in politics |
I stopped at the corner of my street, looked both ways and waited. Even though we have a four way stop, pedestrians either learn to be cautious or they die. Simple rules of the road. To my dismay, the motorist to my right held his stationary position, giving me time to cross without stress or the need to run.
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posted in education |
Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, the people decided that there might be a problem related to the smoke from their cooking fires. Certainly, the fire made cooking their evening roast possible, but the village was constantly under a pall of noxious fumes that made the children cough, even when the H1N1 virus wasn’t close at hand. Finally (although the story does continue), the people decided to make an agreement with their neighbours to limit the cooking fires. No more kitchen duty at any hour of the day; instead, the people would limit the emissions. They called this agreement Kee-oh-toe, and they were truly pleased.
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posted in politics |
If only someone would drive a virtual wooden stake through the heart of the hateful IE vampire and put it to rest! I view my world via Firefox, without reserve. I came to this point by right of passage, using a long line of browsers that weren’t spawned in a basement in Redmond. Lynx, Mosaic, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox. Fifteen years of HTML decoded with grace and speed. Still, there are those who can’t seem to get the idea straight.
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posted in computing |
I ache, but I give thanks. The two old couches have finally left the house, on their way to wherever the city places furniture that no longer has a place to live. An appropriate sentiment for today (Canadian Thanksgiving) but I wish I didn’t feel so wracked and old after what seemed like a minor plan.
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posted in environment |