26th August 2021

My record has fallen

I have learned that someone has set a new world record for eating donairs. In Halifax! I don’t have the exact count, but I suspect that MY world record (of one) has fallen. Will I have to return my trophy, if it ever arrives?

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21st August 2021

Hurricane on track

Imagine that! I efilled two cylinders, to the best of my abilities this evening. I mean, the next time my bubbly machine goes flat, I want to be ready. Just in case. Try to explain to a visitor that they will have to wait for water, while I play with a compressed gas cylinder. Not me. Make everything as invisible as the gas, if you will.

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19th August 2021

Closely watched, and no supper was spilled

It was my first time. This evening, in the shade of a fast food truck, I ordered and ate a container of “fries with the works”. Spoiler alert: even while dressed in a new shirt, I didn’t make a mess. Yes, there was surveillance (wife and gulls). Maybe I’ll go for a repeat before the end of the season. Or, I could have fish and chips. Open to the options.

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17th August 2021

Watching someone get sacked

Nova Scotia is sitting down, watching the election returns unfold. And I’m not sure it’s going according to the “big plan”.

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15th August 2021

A dropped writ and renewed horse pucks

The outcome came as no surprise: after a short visit with the new G-G, the Canadian Parliament was dissolved. The writ was dropped, as CBC says. And in three dozen days, we should have a new government.

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posted in environment, politics | Comments Off on A dropped writ and renewed horse pucks | 269 words

13th August 2021

Remember to wipe the mud from your feet

How much do we trust or government? An example; someone asked about how to get their property taxes reduced (there is a procedure). The best comment was that one shouldn’t draw attention to your current situation, in case “they” take a second look and raise your evaluation in consequence. And suddenly, there you have it. We don’t trust the system, or the process, or any part thereof. Most of us just try to stay under the radar. It’s like when you have something tasty from the fridge, and you don’t want the dog to know. His ability to flair out goodies is equaled by that of the taxman.

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9th August 2021

Should I get a better virtual airplane?

Actually, something newsworthy happened today: I drove the new car, all the way to the train station and back. Not going to make any assumptions going forward, but the first time is now recorded.

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2nd August 2021

Used to hunt for stray nickels

Finding ways to grift: a primer from the political class. Back when I was young, to nickel and dime meant checking payphone returns, or looking around near parking meters for dropped wealth. Never found more than enough for an occasional popsicle, so I gave up and moved on to more lucrative things. Turns out that even minimum wage jobs provide enough cash for double-fisting pops. I was thinking small change.

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9th July 2021

Extra-territorial police work

alMath for the economically challenged; if you make the numbers large enough, nobody will care. Right now, the First Nations are looking to the federal government for reparational funds. I mean, a lifetime has a value. Not to get into lives. So, one number being bandied about is four billion. As usual, there are some that wonder about how our national budget will ever handle an amount like that.

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5th July 2021

Society: rights vs requirements

Right now, the most important statistic for many around me is whether or not you have been vaccinated against COVID-19 via the public health service. I’m going to try to avoid slipping into a “rant” mode, but it won’t be easy. As of this date, fully 83% of the population (over the age of twelve) has started the process (which takes several months). The next logical move, by society, is to identify the 17% who have chosen an alternate strategy.

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