2nd August 2021

Used to hunt for stray nickels

posted in economy, politics |

Finding ways to grift: a primer from the political class. Back when I was young, to nickel and dime meant checking payphone returns, or looking around near parking meters for dropped wealth. Never found more than enough for an occasional popsicle, so I gave up and moved on to more lucrative things. Turns out that even minimum wage jobs provide enough cash for double-fisting pops. I was thinking small change.

Well, elsewhere in the world, there are easier ways to make money. Imagine if you can find a way to get medical test kits (from the government) and then sell those kits to the government. Somewhere in a province with a government based on grifting, that’s happening right now. All it takes is a few “highly placed” friends who will provide expert advice to cover the traces. Millions and millions of popsicles, and no need to ever check a coin return. I’ll leave you to figure out the rights and the wrongs of this, and if you need a map; “go west, young man”.

This was a holiday, sort of, in the province. Although the government offices (for the main part) were closed, and mail delivery was postponed, the rest of us just carried on. A bit of rain, a bit of wind. I would love to see the province adopt uniform dates for closing things, rather than tying it to a parade that won’t even take place. We could (gasp) align the province with the federal schedule, and turn August into a normal month without provoking an identity crisis (about a parade, etc.)

This entry was posted on Monday, August 2nd, 2021 at 19:49 and is filed under economy, politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 263 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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