1st August 2021

How to remain cooler if ever we travel

posted in environment |

While going over some travel notes, I realized how quickly time passes. Our last road trip was back in the fall of ’19, before the cart went sideways and left us all fond of our home life. Now, this is the point where I claim that things are back to normal, and that we intend to hit the road, soon. Not exactly. We’re still living in “interesting times”, and so I have decided to proceed with caution. In fact, the last while has been vicarious: that’s where I try to imagine ourselves in other places, and spend my time assuring that our comforts will be met.

This is summer, so staying cool and hydrated is important. This afternoon, I tried to create a truth table that would cover all the impossibilities of a/c in the RV.

Let me see. While plugged into the shore power (a term for “tied to the power grid”), the amount of current is ample to run the rooftop air unit. Similarly, if I operated the generator (built in), or drag the Titan out to the garage, I’m good. To go, even. However, simply turning on the van motor won’t do it. Ergo, we can be cool while in motion, at a cost. Or we can accept that we don’t need to keep the back half of the RV cool if we are riding up front. There, a table of possibilities.

And lest we forget, there’s still the old “open window” approach. Not one we’ve actually used (yet), but if we ever get to be on the road in a hot spell, I’ll test things out.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 1st, 2021 at 19:40 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 267 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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