6th May 2021

I wonder if he wonders

Just came in from putting the dog out, so that he could go on fox watch. In passing, that is quite different from watching Fox; I wouldn’t force a dog to do that. Anyhow, it made me pause and realize just how dependent he is on the rest of the household for everything. He can’t scoop kibble, he can’t fetch water from the kitchen faucet, he doesn’t know how to reach the yellow bags of assorted treats that we store high over his head. We really serve his needs.

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1st April 2021

Please check the calendar

Today, check the calendar before doing something silly. On social media, the announcement from our heritage department that one of our historic sites had been rented out for the summer seemed legit. I mean, in these trying times, business needs a helping hand. When the next paragraph mentioned that the historic home would be used as the set for one of those extended dating dramas, something clicked.

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17th March 2021

What kind is that?

Just beyond the large windows in the living room, we have an array of bird feeders. We moved into multiple dispensers of sunflower seeds some seasons back; still waiting for a thank you note from our feathered neighbours. Anyhow, whenever we look outside, there’s always something to remind us of our important role in the local food chain. Feathered, furred, whatever; seeds are available and popular.

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9th February 2021

Do I need another tee?

My effort to stay currrent about the latest trial in DC has not gone well. All that I could absorb is that drinking bottled water is an underappreciated lifeskill. Guess I’ll have to wait for the reruns on late YouTube.

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15th November 2020

Dancing horses and talking dogs

Taking a wild guess here; for Alberta to lose one of its pipelines is not exactly what their premier wants. When it can be blamed on said premier’s attitude, it must be worse. You see, there’s an old line (yes, fifty years is a long time) that runs eastward, through the Great Lakes and down to Sarnia. Right now, the lawyers are involved, because the government of Michigan has decided that poorly maintained infrastructure isn’t going to get better with age. Keep an eye on this one; Alberta seems to have one major product to sell, and a shrinking number of routes to market.

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3rd November 2020

Unready for satire

Years ago, I read that comedy depended on timing. This evening, I watched a special with Sarah Cooper, and I want to raise a complaint. We aren’t ready, yet, to treat 2020 as satire. Perhaps in a few weeks (like when January forces a change of calendar), but right now we’re all sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting for election returns from south of us. I speak on behalf of the nation. Nay, the world. Her humour was on target, but we’ve run out of laugh pills.

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21st September 2020

In case of a storm

We’re under one of those weather watches, as a hurricane aims for the area. I’m so hyped that I just broke open my bag of storm chips. Still have two days to go. Is that a bad thing?

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12th May 2020

Seen in local traffic

Looking out the door, while I added the leash to the dog, I spotted it going by on the highway. It was moving in the correct lane, at just below the usual speed limit. Brown and white, possibly. I’m not great at model identification, but it could have been a Rabbit; recent model. No, no, not a VW product. A hare. But moving fast. In the country, even small things take on great importance.

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15th April 2020

A child’s guide to physics

Although I hadn’t realized it, the idea of educational TV goes back almost to the roots of broadcasting. And since we tend to compartmentalize such things, the best programming for the young and impressionable was offered on Saturday mornings. I’d like to give special attention to one series which taught me the fundamentals of physics.

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14th April 2020

Sorry. Video unavailable.

There is no video footage (more the pity), but the BBQ is out. I’m very systematic about the job, as a solo artist.

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