10th September 2010

Keeping your timeline on time and in line

When I was seventeen, it was a very good year”. I submit, dear reader, this snippet of lyrical content as proof that others make the effort to timeline their lives.

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9th September 2010

In lieu of editorial process

Here’s a hypothetical question: What would my blog be like if I had an editor? Not wanting to put any ideas in other minds, let’s leave this as an unrealistic thought, but play with the concept.

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8th September 2010

Into every life a little rain

Nothing like a shower to start the day. I don’t mean the controlled one in the privacy of my home. Instead, think heavy, intense, unexpected rainfall. Started as I reached my first corner, finished by the time I reached the bus shelter and left me feeling like I’d been for a cool swim with all my clothes still on.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on Into every life a little rain | 273 words

7th September 2010

Cheap water

Don’t trust the label, at least when it comes to bottled beverages. The FDA has taken umbrage with certain national firms and their claims. In particular, green tea.

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6th September 2010

Hyperbole, for sale

The deal is this; parents teach their children not to tell lies, but then the ad industry goes out of its way to do the opposite. The official term is hyperbole, but in simple speak, well…

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posted in media | Comments Off on Hyperbole, for sale | 263 words

5th September 2010

Promise them anything to distract them

Time to mark another change of season. Locally the temperature has dropped by a dozen degrees, the wind has picked up and the humidity has dropped. And the Rouge et Or have won their game.

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posted in politics | Comments Off on Promise them anything to distract them | 258 words

4th September 2010

The pain of home repair

The hidden cost of home repair – physiotherapy.

Somewhere in the piles of stuff available at the local box store, there must be a guide to good posture. Otherwise, we’ve got lots of soft tissue injury that isn’t catching the attention of the medical world. Here’s the thing. Any time I “install” something around the house, I learn that it’s actually done while lying on the floor in pretzel form, while aiming a flashlight using available body parts.

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3rd September 2010

Fragile data

In the same way that stubbing your little toe seems to interrupt the whole nervous system, a fingerprint on a CD will disrupt your day.

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2nd September 2010

When the why doesn’t really matter

When the user asks me why something unexpected has occurred (in the world of software), does that person really want to know? Given the number of times I’ve had to reinterpret a facial expression, not too often. What that person probably wants is for me to unholster the magic wand that would negate the original reason for calling me.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on When the why doesn’t really matter | 303 words

1st September 2010

This news is available only on a Mac

My kids, and others from that generation, have a good way of classifying efforts that have gone sadly awry: Epic fail. Say so much with two little words.

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