27th May 2021

Murmuring voices, filled with anticipation

This quarantine might actually end. Today, the premier and the public health officer both used really encouraging words, invoking a return to the status quo by the end of the summer (only one hundred days more). Although I live far away from the neighbours, I believe I could hear a collective murmuring.

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27th March 2021

Finding your new address

Finally! A chance to test my search skills.

A relative is in the process of changing homes, and in the red hot market where the family is located, it’s a very rapid process. A couple of weeks is more than enough to put up a sign, mark it as sold and get into a new place (with the usual two month timespan to finish the paperwork. The brag page on social media gave me some useful clues. The realtor, the photo of the property lines, a travel time estimate: none, alone would be enough, but within minutes I had a streetview pic look up the driverway (longer than I would want to clear after a storm).

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3rd March 2021

When the ads outweigh the content stream

I get it. The internet would disappear if it wasn’t for those targeted ads. However, not everything I type is a lead to a sale. Yesterday, I asked a sibling and a friend about a particular “essential oil worn by hippies”. Today, Amazon hit me up to buy some. Now, that was fast! I still don’t know what the stuff smells like. For the record, I won’t be acquiring a vial to satisfy my curious nature. It would be more fun to wander through a flower power party.

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23rd February 2021

Time requires an explanation

IN one of my threads from social media, I’ve been reading about healthy lifestyles. The usual simple rules; regular exercise, diet control, sufficient sleep. All the things that we were raised to believe (thanks, Mom). Except that the storyline derailed… removing caffeine from my life. Whoa! There are limits! After all, coffee is just what you retain from running hot water (healthy) over roasted beans (sort of healthy).

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19th January 2021

Familiarity and the consequent contempt

Chaucer said it first (and best): familiarity breeds contempt.

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18th January 2021

Security through obsurity

Why does my rage against my ISP always sound like a bell? No particular reason. I take great umbrage with commercial incompetence, and the ISP is capable of one thing; cashing my payment, month after month. Nothing else. When Netflix tells me that it can’t get there from here, I know where to place the blame. Oh, look, signal has been restored. The pause in programming was sufficient for me to get the supper dishes done AND feed the dog.

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16th January 2021

Be wary of unwanted flyers

“The tree is in the box”

“The tree is in the box

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15th January 2021

Home theater

Home theater relies on a certain level of illusion. Usually, it doesn’t get there, for me. Until this evening; rarely have I sat through a couple of hours of mindless comedy, stood up and headed elsewhere at the end, saying to myself that it was good. Not great. Well, OK. Took my mind off reality. And, isn’t that the point?

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13th January 2021

A timeline of movies

There are many ways to mark the passage of time. I don’t go for notches on my belt (structural defect) or tattoos (in general). Instead, I try to maintain a mental timeline. Things like “where I was in school” or… no, the school one worked well for many years (study and work confounded). But now, I’m left with “which movie came out that year”.

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8th December 2020

Which cover should I open first?

Do my children realize the one, salient difference between them and me? One word: history. I belong to an era they can never know. Let’s use a pair of acronyms: BW and AW.

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