23rd February 2021

Time requires an explanation

posted in education, media |

IN one of my threads from social media, I’ve been reading about healthy lifestyles. The usual simple rules; regular exercise, diet control, sufficient sleep. All the things that we were raised to believe (thanks, Mom). Except that the storyline derailed… removing caffeine from my life. Whoa! There are limits! After all, coffee is just what you retain from running hot water (healthy) over roasted beans (sort of healthy).

As we draw to the end of another Netflix series, I wonder how people did it in the “good old days”. Imagine taking a whole year to watch a single season of your preferred drama. Worse, taking ten years to watch a multi-season choice. How did they even remember what happened, from beginning to end? The new model of binge watching is so much simpler.

Today was a surprise snow day. The flurries came up, overnight, and in a show of caution the school board cancelled classes. Yes, the snow stopped before morning coffee time, but it was too late to call the kids back inside (in those “good old days”, the teacher had a handbell, and a strong voice). And no school buses. Local solution to a local problem. Now, we had no sliding in the back yard (I think the kids have discovered a better slope, close to home). Hard to believe that within a couple of months, this winter will be over, statistically. Is it my imagination that time is moving faster than before? I want a consultation with a theoretical physicist. Einstein must have an answer to the question.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 at 20:01 and is filed under education, media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 259 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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