18th May 2024

Unlocking the hospitality mode

Let me open with a few minor modifications. I’ve learned that the name of the shipwreck from yesterday is not fully confirmed. I have learned that the lighthouse is over a century newer than I thought and that the stone was quarried on site. Also the roosters are back. This is a place that is surrounded by a National Park. That means that many of the sites or attractions are those with a historical background. Today we visited an old lighthouse. At least the dwelling. You can no longer enter the light structure. We have been here once before about eleven years ago. Mentioning one of the guides we met at that time was enough to unlock the hospitality mode. Not even a name. Just hair colour. I think that people who work in the public eye like to know that others have been there before them. Not exactly continuity but brotherhood. We learned a lot about the history and the ongoing development of the site. Something that interests me a great deal. Later in the afternoon I skipped the walks in the woods because my ankle is sensitive. Almost as if I kicked something. I am sure that the woods will continue to be without my going through them. As well we had some homemade ice cream kind of small shop and we skipped the obvious tourist attractions. The water here is supposed to be very good so we will fill tanks tomorrow. Before leaving. We had to go on a cash run to satisfy the needs at our next stop. I was under the opinion that everybody had gone electronic but that is not so. There are many smaller companies that carry on with good old cash.

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