21st May 2024

Another sail

Today we took another ferry. The third one actually. For us it puts us in a strange area where there are more than two time zones at play. Very confusing when you want to know what time things are coming and going. We have learned that you can ask those around you they may or may not know but at least you’re doing it as part of the community. The ferry did arrive and we got on board and then set sail. One of our more difficult rides in that it was in swell mode. That’s where the bulk goes up and down and sideways but slowly. Maybe want to stay seated for the afternoon that’s another part of it I have no idea how long we were away from the dock. We arrived in another province and crossed into yet another territory. This time around we decided to go with a campground attached to a motel. Given that the campground is not yet de- winterized we probably should have gone for the motel. We did have a good restaurant meal and now I’m trying to work through the inconstancy’s of a Wi-Fi system that does not know about encryption. It doesn’t matter. This is our vacation time. Not as if I had to work to get here. Yes, it is raining. The first time since we left home. That too shall pass. Better a bit of water than a forest fire what I say. Tonight I will sleep even though I have no idea exactly where I am. One of the little mysteries in my life. Or maybe I’ll try to find a map. We saw nothing out of the ordinary today and all the way along we realized that we are among the fortunate ones. Able to take a vacation on our schedule. And with no need to be back at work next Monday morning. You know that I will not say all the good old days.

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