20th May 2024

Finally saw the ice

There have been some animals on this trip. Not many but there’s a moose and some Caribous and a brown fox that have come across our trail. I have no idea why brown perhaps it’s a seasonal thing, that’s the story. Today we headed northward after checking into a small motel we made it all the way past the ferry dock to the point where the road says turn around go home and so we did. Lot of water in these parts. I salute people in the government who had the money to build such a lovely road. Which seems to go nowhere. I mean, there might be a lot of truck traffic around here in the up season but not right now we were on the road by ourselves for most of the day. There was a lighthouse that caught her attention but we do not have a boat on board all we can do is look in wonder. This is only the first section of our trip here. We have a small detour tomorrow to the other side of the strait. A different one then the one at home. We will be in Labrador for a couple of days. But more on that later. For now we are well fed and warm and ready to continue. Oddly there has been no awful weather yet I have been told not to jinx situation. Seriously though no rain and no wind. We did catch an afternoon on CBC talking about how things are not going well in the world of forest management drought and bad weather in case you’re wondering. I know they do forest fires in this part of the world. I am attentive to that aspect. But so far nothing out of the ordinary just us watching out the windows for new animals. I keep hoping for a polar bear but I’ve been told this is not the season. However we did see icebergs plural. I admit we had gone hunting for them. It would be so tempting for someone who did not know better to get up close to one climb on board and we refer to flip over and roll them into the death steps. You can tell we have no icebergs at home. But they’re so pretty and each is different. There is even an app helping you find which one of the hundreds in this area that you can see. A lot of area for a lot of small bergs.

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