1st May 2024

Protest without a price

In the current news cycle we are noticing an uptick in student protest. Not all students. The major noise is coming from some very important university campuses. In both the US and Canada. Schools that are big enough that when you see their T-shirts or sweatshirts you recognize the name. And what I have noticed as those students face down the police is that they seem to have lost touch with the reality of being a student. Or perhaps these particular students never had it. There was a time when a student at the end of the semester was worried about two things. Exams and summer employment. But for a small small number of people there are those who decided to go camping in the middle of a lovely university campus in the hopes that someone will listen to what they have to say. I wonder, if they looked around to see if they have any audience. There are many ways to protest. Sitting in a tent on campus pretending that you have all the rights in the world is probably not a very good one. The average person on the street does not care and as for your fellow students they have more important priorities. Pack up and go along with your life. Even if your school decided to withdraw finance support for a particular project nobody else will notice. The numbers are too small. You can tell the rest of the world is all symbolic and believe me I concur. What you’re doing is nothing more than a symbol. A cheap political stunt. You’re going camping at the end of the month of April will not change the rest of the world. Will it bring fame to your campus? Will it bring fame to you? I doubt that you can put your protest experience on a resume when it comes to getting a job later on. And if you have enough money, that does not matter then you are a part of the problem and not the solution. Pack up your books and pack up your tent and go on with your life. I agree protest is a wonderful right but you are not protesting you are just waving in the wind.

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