10th May 2024

The logistics of travel

We are just days away from a short trip. Or a long trip depending upon your way of looking at the world. And in the planning procedure trip we have to consider having the comforts of home. In particular sanitary comforts. Water and the toilet. We have both but we have learned that you have to plan your use. Nothing is unlimited. Nothing last forever. If you fill your water tank up with water you will then have to plan for where that water is going to go after you have made it dirty. And you can’t dump just anywhere. A good thing. And also water is heavy. I’m not going to bore you with the math it’s all available online. But the weight that you carry with you either clean or dirty must be considered. If you carry several 100 kilograms of liquid you must then plan for how much it will cost you to pay for the extra fuel. We have been lucky over the years we are two people with minimal needs we have never actually filled our tanks to overflow. But, it could happen. We have to read the gauges and plan ahead. There are apps for this sort of thing that will allow you to locate places that accept water exchange. I know, that’s a nice term for it. We also must plan to filter our own water supply and know when we need to find more. Again more than just a question of gauges. Your needs will depend upon your diet and the temperature and a host of other issues. At least we no longer have to plan for a dog. So as we head out, I will try to keep track of what we do, with the where and the when being important. If we find that someone wants a lot of money to help us out I will note that along with the location. I will not be adding to my maps but you’ll be able to reverse engineer things. That’s where the fun comes in. Maybe later in time I will start adding videos but not this year I am not ready for that responsibility. I can barely tell night time from daytime.

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