25th May 2024

Other than the boilable water

Finally just before bedtime last evening we had a bit of weather. A few Thunder cells had drifted into our area. And there was some action. Bright lights noise some hailstones. Actually considered that there were a dozen demented drummers all working on the roof at the same time. This RV is a little more then the modified tin can so I could hear every stroke. No matter. No damage done. Within the hour the storm had drifted away. Today we headed east. At least, I think so. With no access to maps or a compass I am guessing here. We did finally go for a meal at a chicken place. The Mary brown chain. And it was quite good. After that we drove on some back roads and then some other back roads until we arrived at our destination which was a provincial park. The only downside apart from being far from everything else in the world is that there is a boil watery water in effect. We will have to ration what we have until at least tomorrow. I can handle that I suppose. Although it strikes me at the last time I had to boil water was 1/2 century ago. I live a very soft life. If we go with our current plan we will be around here for a few days giving us ample time to see what else is at the end of the world. I know, that’s not the name on the road sign but let’s go with that. Outside lots and lots of trees. It has been rumored that moose hang out in such territory. I don’t know that for sure. Other than that things are going swimmingly even if we’re not going swimming. This is what Irving is supposed to be like I think no glam camping. Getting away from the rest of the world and relying upon whatever resources you have brought with you. We have lots of batteries and a long cord for electricity is available. I do not plan to build any campfires because that strikes me as risky behavior in a place with so many trees. But that is my take on things and what do I know. I am a boy from a small island.

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