4th July 2024

What dreams are made from

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This is the time of year when we play a game we opened the real estate listings and try to figure out what we would take if it was offered. As I said this is a game which requires a great deal of imagination. I took a few minutes to look at what is available locally and my eye was caught by two offerings. One of them; a small church, pretty building with a great view and one caveat, you don’t get to keep the building there you must move it away on the back of a truck I assume, to who knows where. Someone has other plans for that great view out over the water. In another listing a house down in town. What I found curious about this listing found over the internet, was the description a concrete foundation with a clay floor. I can imagine it but I cannot imagine why would you go to all the work of pulling in a foundation without actually putting in a seller or a basement as we like to call them. Why would you fill it full of dirt I’m going to have to find someone with more experience than I to explain the reasoning. We also have a lot of land for sale around here and the prices in every case make no sense. This is the time of year when tourists drive by and decide that this is where they would like to live or retire if they had unlimited funds. Most of those lots will still be for sale in six months time. As I said this is the time of year when people dream; not when they actually build things. You would want to know what winter looks like first.

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