10th November 2010

Unexpected moments of renewal

Sometimes, in spite of all the planning, things just work.

I was the tech designated to “care for” a videoconference today. I do that, from time to time; the tingling feeling of close contact with technology disappeared ages ago. It’s just another of those tasks that are listed beside my name around the office. What set this one apart from all the others was scale: there were twenty sites involved, including one half-way around the world.

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9th November 2010

Remembering tales from long ago

I’m a prolific reader. Have been ever since Grade One, when the fun with phonics workbook tipped the balance in my favour. Just think, a whole lifetime shared between the covers. The thing is, I tend to forget that the majority of people don’t share my passion. In some cases, the only books that are “digested” are the ones that the school system offers up as required reading by a captive audience. Hopefully, the pickers are able to choose quality in the absence of quantity.

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8th November 2010

Rising water levels for some

Over the weekend, I tried to get an appointment with my local tire specialist. The usual; swap out summer for winter. There were no openings. This morning, there were footprints on the front lawn from newspaper delivery. Gone now, but the good times are almost over.

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7th November 2010

Hummingbirds and media players have nothing in common

My longer day is coming to an end, and I can’t point to a single thing that I’ve done to improve my fare. I did sleep in, a little, but that was accidental. I managed to reset nine clocks in record time, but there are still some wrist watches and personal alarms that escaped intervention. Oh, and I watched some football, but the teams that had my favour lost; thankfully I’m too poor to have a betting habit.

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6th November 2010

Trivially challenging

Ready for a bit of trivial information? I like trivia. Even the definition is fun; the term derives from back when students were required to take courses in grammar, rhetoric and logic.

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5th November 2010

From nibs to rollerballs

Faced with a wall of ballpoint pens, an hour or so ago, I had to pause and remember that life wasn’t always so simple for the writer. Back when I was learning to print, the tool of the trade involved a bottle of ink, blotting paper, a wooden handle and a box of nibs. Nibs, alike like peas in a pod. There were many brands, but I was a railway child, so the box may have resembled this.

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4th November 2010

If you can’t say something nice, etc.

One of those rules for living in a world populated by more than one is worth repeating. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Based on recent outbursts from our mayor, he missed that lesson.

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3rd November 2010

The itch I cannot scratch

For the last week or so, I’ve had to endure an itch I can’t scratch. Not a physical one, an electronic one.

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2nd November 2010

A look behind the curtain

For anyone who has ever been trapped in the labyrinth of a modern telephone system, AKA the auto attendant function, I feel your pain. And after a full day of training, I now understand how to make things worse. Not better.

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1st November 2010

Trivial danger

A world of knee-jerk reactions. From this vantage point, certain governments react like provoked parents: “You’re grounded for ten years, mister!”

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