30th August 2021

Planning to heat stuff

We have plans. To go camping with son #2, for exactly. And all of our lives have evolved, from back when we camped as a young nuclear family. For example, cooking.

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27th August 2021

Sudden escape

An eventual incident: that is how I refer to a sudden breach in one of the Sodastream cylinders. It’s loud, and the layer of very cold frost is actually hand-painful. Thirty minutes later, and I still don’t know if this involved the overpressure screw, or the main valve, or the thread into the tank, or… I’ll find out, perhaps tomorrow, and we’ll exchange the bad tank for a good one. And life will go on.

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16th August 2021

The demise of the mag stripe

The highlight of my day? Why, that would be finding that my crushed cardboard (it’s a recycling thing) fit into one standard bag, and that I shouldn’t have to chase stuff around in the ditch, tomorrow. We have to get our piles to the curb (or its rural equivalent) the night before. In less than twenty-four hours, I’ll be back to stockpiling. For next month. After all, I have to do something with my Amazon boxes.

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9th August 2021

Should I get a better virtual airplane?

Actually, something newsworthy happened today: I drove the new car, all the way to the train station and back. Not going to make any assumptions going forward, but the first time is now recorded.

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3rd August 2021

Evolving with a bigger ride

I was inevitable. I collect old movies. And I don’t always watch them in a timely fashion. The going to live forever thought system. Anyhow, I was skimming several titles this evening, trying to find a badly remembered sequence, and I learned that some of my titles are junk. Not the original movie; the badly copied versions that seem to be created in a middle-school data test. I’ll replace those that I notice, since I have a long range view, but why can’t stuff be done properly from the get go.

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28th July 2021

Fix via replacement

Getting old comes at a cost. Too many hours spent trying to decide what I should simply purchase to replace broken things. Today, a bike seat post. Works well, with the current saddle. And not so much with a newer saddle. All a question of angles, really.

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11th July 2021

Just a DIY maintenance guy

Our genny is a faithful servant. Sits outside, beside the house, through the worst of weather. Waiting for a chance to serve us. In return, randomly, I check the status window and decide if any maintenance is required.

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18th June 2021

Sunlight as a free fuel

Today, the sun was shining; in fact, it made for ideal conditions for my latest science experiment. The postal lady dropped off three equal cardboard boxes, from Eco-Worthy. Inside, three equal solar panels. Nominally 100 watts each, although that’s an impossible dream, this far north of the equator.

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17th June 2021

Now ready for my summer

This was a good day, what with things fitting into my timetable for a change. I have been anxious about getting the van ready for summer, but there were extenuating circumstances; I needed a drain plug. I decided to proceed, this morning, leaving the hot water section for another time, when along came an email announcing that the drain plugs had just been delivered. With the final “brick” in hand, I completed my list of things that get done. We have hot water, along with the other amenities.

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14th June 2021

I dare not to drill

When I was much younger, I learned the basics of construction using a wonderful material. No, not wood. Or stones. Rather, I was there when Lego made its appearance. And from my efforts, I missed one fundamental of construction: permanence. We built in the belief that you could take everything apart, put the bricks back into a box and start all over again. Not once did I ever build and glue.

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