4th November 2021

Came in through the window

Look, a new rig! In the field, this evening, the biggest tricycle I’ve ever see. Special machine, tasked with spreading lime before the winter begins. And the job was over and done before we understood the implications. There’s going to be another crop, of something, next year. Else, why spend money on  extras. Now we wait for the new growth, to discover what will be our “farm view” in ’22. Just the anticipation of watching something novel (and amazing) spring forth already takes the edge off a winter that hasn’t started.

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1st November 2021

I remain uninvolved, apparently

Based on the local news page, nothing involving me happened recently.

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30th October 2021

Good but ineffective intentions

I should stop confusing good intentions with effective actions. Today, I put the boat away. Actually, hung it on the wall, because it really is a very diminutive style of boat. And within the hour, I undid my actions, because the season isn’t over until… I’ll figure that out. Suffice that what I did, I can do again.

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29th October 2021

Too impatient to wait (for winter)

Blame my afternoon on a lack of patience. I had considered leaving the deck clearing effort until after the first snowfall. Use the new layer of slippy to get my chairs and table down the hill. Today, tested by sunshine, I simply resorted to strong arm .Yes, the grass on the slope aided, but my patio/deck furniture is stowed until spring. I wasn’t sitting out there, much; now I will simply go for “not standing out there, much”. A subtle difference.

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24th October 2021

File this as a near visit. Or a close encounter.

We almost had visitors this afternoon. I’m still rattled.

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21st October 2021

The harvest is in

The harvest is in. This would have been a reason for rejoicing, in earlier times. Now, it’s just a detail in my life. The field below here is not mine. I don’t plow it, or sow it, or send in the crews to gather in the crop. I just watch what goes on, with the same level of understanding that my dog offers when he sees me doing things that don’t concern him. The machines drove away, late this afternoon, and we’ll have no late night spraying for another three years. On that note, let the party begin.

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20th October 2021

Oops. The pot fell over.

At the end of our lane, we have an oversized flower pot. Serves as a marker, when people are trying to find the nearby ditch. And today, a potato truck tried to turn around in our drive, and managed to knock the pot “ass over tea kettle”. Missed the ditch, though.

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8th October 2021

Ready for the cold period

There are undertones of sadness, with the realization that ’21 will not be the “year of the road warriors”. We can’t cross the border, and we can’t tour the nearby provinces without undue stress. Our single trip, up to see the kids, is now going  to have to feed our memory. So be it. Some things can’t be changed, just by wishing.

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3rd October 2021

Go for a walk, I was told

To be fair, I was pushed. Outside. Go for a walk, with the dog, I was told, before I simply died from heart failure in my favourite chair. Or old age. Both are risks, once you move beyond childhood. No matter. The dog was all too willing to lead me hither, thither and yon. Down the hill, to the lake (lagoon, technically, but let’s go with lake for simplicity).

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2nd October 2021

Better masks? Maybe

If I take advice from Scientific American, my masks are insufficient. Inefficient. Inexpensive, actually. We’re not done with facewear just yet, and so the need

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