20th October 2021

Oops. The pot fell over.

posted in environment |

At the end of our lane, we have an oversized flower pot. Serves as a marker, when people are trying to find the nearby ditch. And today, a potato truck tried to turn around in our drive, and managed to knock the pot “ass over tea kettle”. Missed the ditch, though.

I guess someone took the encounter personally, because the driver just dropped off a big bag of big spuds.

Elsewhere, symbolism. Over at Netflix, some of the “team” walked off the job today, protesting the content of one of the programs. Now, I get a little overwhelmed, any time I stumble into the online program catalog. Does this mean that things could be more confusing, looking ahead? To be fair, I imagined that Netflix was just an oversized TV simulator. Never actually imagined that there were sentient beings involved.

The federal Parliament will convene, soon. Almost all of those involved are aware of the health rules, and vaccination is the factor that separates the wise from the fools. Yes, one party refuses to tell us how many if their team have received their shots, and that party is complaining about a plan for virtual attendance. Is this posturing, or have they actually received a mandate to act stupidly from their electors? In any case, the majority has spoken, and in the near future we will have an assembly that allows the silly to attend virtually. Can we also mute their mics? Asking for a friend.

The inflation rate is rising, but my personal spending si declining. A balance has been reached, for now.

Paypal wants to own Pinterest.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 at 18:00 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 264 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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