5th September 2023

A consistent error

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If my parents have been less diligent I could be really unfriendly. Not nasty but sometimes. I have a person that calls here on a regular basis. I do not know the person and it is consistently a wrong number. I confirmed that the person being sought is not has not and will not be here but I am so tempted sometimes to turn the other cheek. Imagine the fun I could have if I was to produce a new life for the person being called. Something that goes beyond the question if the tea is ready, because it is not at least at this address. What if I was to asked the person calling to wait for a moment while I get the other person out of bed? Would it raise questions? Now again I am kind I will not resolve this situation by making it any worse. But I could. If you call someone consistently and the number is always a wrong number what does that suggest? Maybe you need to update your directory or your automatic calling feature or something else because although it’s nice to hear from someone I don’t know the T is not has not and will not be on. Sorry to disappoint. And as for the person being called who never receives these calls what do they assume? Has their friend simply gone to another part of the world? Will they ever meet up again? I am doing my best by suggesting that this is not the right answer to the call and saying that I know who the person is and that person is not here but how can I improve it. Impossible for me to re direct the call because if you keep calling my number you have a wrong number not me mine is fine.

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