31st August 2024

Idle Speculation

I am having moments of speculation. There are realtor signs on both sides of my property which leads me to believe that I am truly the man in the middle. As well those pesky windmills are coming. Shades of Lamancha. Having land for sale is rather new around here. Until now the ownership of properties has been very stable but now I wonder. Am I doomed to have an influx of new neighbours with different expectations than before. Will I have to adjust to a new dog next door? Will someone want to park in my driveway because it is so lovely? If I were was a rich man I could simply buy those properties because that’s how real estate works but I am not on such good terms with my financial backers. So I will have to wait and see what happens next. Possibly nothing. This is the time of the year that properties go on sale. The number of rich tourists who can hardly wait to have a chance to part with their cash are fewer than before. Something about global instability and high interest rates and all the other reasons given too slow gross. I will have to wait and see whether or not those signs harvest anything other than as I said speculation. I know that people are talking. I hear things through the Grapevine even if the vineyard is idle. Will it actually change anything for me in my daily routine? Not a chance I’m set in my ways and they know exactly where the limits of my property lie to within a few meters. But I want to know if I will have to learn a whole set of new names to replace those of the people that have been here that I have also never met. Probably the winter will come and go with no change. By then we should have better roads do due in part to the windmill people. I wonder would they pave my driveway if I begged nicely. Stood outside and waved my arms around. Oh well another nice day at least as we move towards the end of summer and a fall of wondering.

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29th August 2024

Imitation as flattery

Any form of imitation is flattery or so I’ve heard. All of our arts are based upon imitation. That is how we learn our craft. It is also a given the some are better learners than others. This afternoon I listen to a podcast that tried to outline how one particular recording artist builds the phrasing. The instructor was excellent. In fact I sat back in awe of the ability to imitate and fraction out the different features of a given phrase. I wish I had that sort of talent. It takes one beyond the idea of copying. It requires a certain set of skills that few have. The ability to listen to a phrase and then replicate it by ear is almost magic. It is also the foundation of our musical system. Still some artists make it more difficult than others by the series simple dexterity of their work. Yes I know it is not simple. When you can take a phrase and modulate it and then sing on top of it and then add rhythm you have made a piece of music that goes beyond simple plain song. And do not forget that plain song used to be the standard by which all western music was judged. I can only wait to hear more by this particular instructor because obviously there is a talent that needs to be witnessed. I will wait to see who the next performer is to be outlined. After all this is a complex task and one that cannot be simply done by saying I want to do it. Go ahead. Sing a song. Imitate someone else. How did you do?

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28th August 2024

Afraid or frightened

Let me start with the question of whether or not I have ever been scared. I’ll make it a division between afraid and startled. After thinking about it I will say no. I have lived a life relatively free of any kind of shock to my nervous system. I suppose if I lived in a different time and place that I would have had reason to fear that witch winter on around me but I have missed out on wars and attempts to cut off my head and all the other things that make history so interesting. I have not even had strong moments of nightmare which is probably a reflection of my diet and the calm of my home. But I do wonder what drives people to go watch television shows or movies that upset them. I have never been a big fan of movie fear. What would I do differently going forward? Nothing really. We do not need our night to be filled with fear. And as for being startled by things like loud noises or wild animals in the corner of the room I have had none of that. I keep my doors closed which allows the raccoon to wander around outside without ever coming into visit. Also having a dog around keeps the raccoons away or so I believe. My roof has never fallen in although those strong winds a couple years back made me wonder about that part. I have had no fires or floods or strong earthquakes. Once again a reflection of my lifestyle and where I live. Checking the historical record we do not do earthquakes in this part of the world. I live close enough to the sea level the floods are also a low risk and I try to keep the open flames away from my belongings.

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27th August 2024

My talking watch

It works I now have a talking wrist. Watch. I pushed the button and it tells me what time it is. More practical than waiting for a time check on the radio. This all came about because I attended a supper this evening. An evening of recognition from the community group that I used to belong to. They haven’t forgotten me. And so even though I could not see faces or wander around and drop into other people’s conversations I still felt like Still a change from my routine. I forget that by staying home everyday I am falling beside the road. Now that I can tell what time it is I have fewer excuses for saying that cannot join with others. A communion of minds if you will. And if someone says please try to be on time I will try. No promises offered yet. I did end up talking to someone about the roof. In a general sense. My shingles will not last forever. They may already have used up more than half of their life span and so I should start planning for the next step. Like will it be ten or will it be ten. The choices are actually pretty simple. If I put up shingles they will need to be replaced in a few years but if I put up metal I have a chance of something that might outlast me. The mathematics is simple. Go for that which will last the longest time. My dreams of putting up solar panels have been dealt a serious blow by the need of our government to move people to electric cars. The batteries that would have been available for my roof have been sidetracked to let someone travel down the road. I will have to start looking for my own Plan B. Happily putting up a metal roof is something that certain contractors do as a matter of course. I just have to find the right ones and then align that with my budget. Like I said, simple.

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26th August 2024

Who bought the song

While playing the game of try to remember, I decided to recall the first piece of music that I could say I heard from a recording. Given my age this was from a 78 owned by my grandparents which they played back on a little portable phonograph. The cover was beige and it had a tube amplifier inside. That’s not the important part. What I wanted to recall what is this song. And I could. At least, with the help of YouTube and some lyrics. I found four different recordings dating back to 1952 and I could tell by listening which artist was involved. Someone who was well known at that time in this part of the world. Hank Snow. The song was sappy. Something that would not chart now as they say. But I was left wondering who would have purchased the record originally. I am unable to lay the blame at the door of anyone individual avoid feel certain it was not my grand father. Not his style. So that left it down to my uncles and aunts and my grandmother. And of course what was available for sale locally. The number of places that you could buy a 78 back in the day we’re limited. Was this an impulse purchase or something that they had carefully budgeted to own. Was this a favourite song around the house. Again no way to find out because all of the guilty parties are gone. Well I can tell you, I am glad that my memory is still intact. Even for remembering silly little things like this. I do not have to make up the details. Actually there were only about four recordings in that pile and all of them can be found with careful searching. None of them are going to make it under my personal hit parade. I wonder do the user today even know what the term hit parade means. Times have changed. We now stream and Spotify. The idea of allowing someone to compile a curated list every week of which songs were worthy of our attention seems antiquated.

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25th August 2024

Our fishbowl

Have I ever mentioned that I worked for years in an aquarium. We were the fish. We had glass walls and an audience of hundreds who came to see what we were doing. This was education in the last century. And I was part of an experiment. We wanted to see if technology had a place in a high school. And so we did our best to spend other people’s money and see whether or not certain ideas would float. Remember it was an aquarium. Not a large one. Roughly 1/4 of a standard classroom which means about the size of a bedroom with no beds. Instead we had counters around 2 walls and three people and two telephones, an oversized laser printer and that was just the basic furnishings. We added and subtracted as the years went by. For some reason our little room with the glass walls seemed to draw every rare fish from our high school pond. We had students there all the time. Not for formal learning. I think we were seen as a shelter against the larger predators that you find in every high school. Students could come to our area and be aware that we were not going to criticize or chastise or make their lives miserable. And it worked for over a decade until the money ran out and we were dispersed to our own areas of the world. But I look back on those years with fondness because we did not have time to relax. Not even finding the time to eat a bowl of ramen noodles which amounted to a 5 minute lunch. The one plus was that if the telephone rang someone else would probably answer it. If you have ever worked in an office because that’s what this was supposed to be, you understand what I mean.

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24th August 2024

They all go sometime

If you take the time to take a trip down memory lane you quickly learn one fact period. Given enough years all of your stars fade to black. Some may call it death. I was watching some documentaries about television shows from my childhood. And invariably, they go away. Not to to retirement but rather due to the ravages of time. Disease in large part. No wonder people spend so much time searching for the fountain of youth back in the day. Go ahead. Once you reach a certain age you can play the game. Look up an old TV show and check the cast list. Pick a name that you recognize. The reality is stark and clear. None of us last forever. I would have thought that someone who could make it to the top of the pops or make it to the top of the TV lists had something extra going on but they do not. I guess I better enjoy what time I have while I can. It seems that writing afterwards will be a feat worthy of fame. On other topics I may have prematurely reported the end of the rail strike. Based on what I saw on the news this morning it’s a little bit like putting out a campfire. You pour some water on and you wait that’s what we’re doing right now. Waiting. The question of will the train arrive is as pertinent now as it was two days ago. That also is a sad reflection on the state of labour management relations period. I mean, they all want the same thing but the idea of how to get there is unclear. All we can do now is wait to see what happens after the weekend. And here’s a hint. Stock up on your groceries while they’re still available. Not to be a nervous Nelly but I cannot eat air.

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23rd August 2024

Off the rails

If you were watching you might have noticed that sticker on the tail end of a school bus. Something about how this vehicle stops at crossings. Not locally mind you. The real thieves took away all their rails back in 1989 but elsewhere that is still a relevant statement. However as of midnight the trains are not running. A nationwide dispute that puts stockholders and politicians back into attention mode. I can see the notices now telling members of parliament that they are being recalled from their summer hiatus to take care of a nation wide problem. The trains have stopped. And with it the movement of most of the products used in this country. I know not everything not all the time but much of our commerce depends on the railway taking things from here to there and back again. If you shut everything off there will be problems. As as statement goes perhaps not today perhaps not tomorrow but sooner or later there will be problems. Food supplies that are no longer on the market shelves. Fuel no longer available at the pumps. And so much more. I have no supporting figures but I believe that the railroads are still a pretty big deal in Canadian terms. And so what is the problem? Well of course it is money. The workers are aware that the railroad shareholders are still getting rich even though their incomes have plateaued. Enough to make someone join a union and then go on strike I guess. How long will it last. Or? No one knows for sure for based on precedent this will not be a long strike. The politicians will put things back on the rails as they say and there will be a lot of employees that are upset but then again, a pay-check is important to them as well. And so short term we will all tighten our belts and be aware that if there’s a shortage in the supply chain we can point fingers at the railroads. Even if it is not their fault.

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22nd August 2024

A variety of fresh fruits

I spend a lot of time playing that was then and this is now. In part because I don’t always see what I’m doing but that’s for another day. Today I’m going to focus on diet. Specifically what I have available to me that fits under the rubicon of fruit. Back in the old days the only fruits we ever saw regularly where apples. Generally apples found on a tree in the backyard. Citrus was reserved for Christmas and they required the intervention of Santa Claus. But now we are much better served by the grocery industry. On any given day at the local market I can find a whole selection of fresh fruits. Sufficient to make a fruit salad if I so desired. I am much more apt to take a banana or a page or nectarine rarely an apple. We have a whole series different citrus fruit available to alloy have not yet sorted out all the names that are used period. I almost never go looking for things that are exotic. Things like dates. Is the date even a fruit? And what about those hairy little green things that I sometimes find in the closet or the refrigerator or other odd locations. I really need to get better control on where i find my food. I am fortunate that there are also grapes because by definition every single grape qualifies as a piece of fresh fruit and on the pieces we buy meaning the vines we can have as many as 100. A pretty good way to get my vitamin C don’t you agree. I do abstain from cans of fruit salad but that is due to the overpowering sugar syrup. And a certain time of the year I can get a fresh Peach but that seems to last only for a couple of weeks and then back to the usual fair. Still I will not complain. Not nearly as monotonous as a barrel of apples. Perhaps if I turn the apples in the cider I will be happier.

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21st August 2024

A famous man in a small town

I believe in the law of 6° of separation. There are many people who are not related to me by blood but who I can say I know who they are. Like one of the more famous singers in our country. I never met the man but I lived in the same town. And it turned out that his girlfriend in high school went on to become a teacher. My teacher period period two different years in high school. That is a connection you know period. As well I was in high school with one of his cousins. And his uncle worked in the same factory that I was at during a two summer. That is also a connection. Oh, and i know where he grew up because I passed by the house each day on the way to high school. This was a small town after all. Now he’s gone and he has a couple of statues and people associate his name with that town. But I know there’s more to the story. I also lived in I town and although I am not as famous that’s not what 6° of separation is all about. We take our connections where we can find them and we hold them close because most of us never become famous other than in our own minds. Actually I have no urge to have a statue with my name on it. All I want is for people to know that I know. Who I am and where I lived and who taught me. The small details that make up a life. No if I was to do things over again what would I add? Well going to one of the concert would have been nice but they were in a different place in a different time. I did not go to concerts then or now. But I can still sing some of the songs that were sung by other people and I can still pretend that I could have been there. The myths of our lives I guess.

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