3rd August 2024

The dogs are gone

Son number one and his family are back on the road. Planning to be home sometime around sunset. And with them two dogs that have been making my life a little more challenging. No loud barking ever. One of them learned that if she planted herself in the floor she could trip anyone who went by. The other figured out that we were easy marks for food. Just drilling my toes until I gave up and handed over part of my bagel. It was fun for the whole family. We’re running the air almost all the time here so I have to listen more carefully because of that constant white noise. Quiet dogs turned it into a game. You cannot simply say Marco Polo and have a dog answer. You have to be more enticing. Yes a bagel with cheese does attract more than hungry boys. Outside the good weather continues. We had a moment of curiosity this morning when some heavy machinery appeared down below but it turned out to be a local farmer getting ready to adopt a new field. Potatoes. For me that means once every three years so no big deal. I might even know the farmer or his son. Have to check my records. Meanwhile the other half of the family was out on the Causeway collecting change. It is so easy to convince tourists to give up the heavy money in their pockets. And whatever was collected will be used to help in the community. All good. Now I sit back to see what happens in the next couple of weeks. Will we stay or will we go? I will hum this song and see what happens. So there you have it, Saturday in the country.

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