17th August 2024

Job searches

Finding a job or a place to go to school or a place to live takes a lot of energy. Or so I’ve been told. After some reflection I believe that I had an approach that can only be described as minimalist. Applying to university; got in. Looking for a place to live well the 1st place had no square corners so I took the second one. Jobs? I never kept multiple resumes to drop off period. It just did not happen period. If I thought I wanted to work for you I came prepared to work and that seems to have been an acceptable approach. None of this drumming on doors to get the job that you did not want. And looking back I think I had the right approach in all cases. Sure there were a few jobs that I did not get but those are usually because I was aiming far above my niche. I really was not trained to be an EMT cameraman and I think that the person hiring knew that. I was never meant to run all university department and I think the people doing the hiring process knew that. Equally I I managed to avoid any bad financial decisions. I have a faint memory of trying to buy a car and when the bank confirmed that I had no money and no reason for them to give me money I simply went back to walking from place to place. Easy. I mean you can always get a bicycle if you live in the part right part of the world. I bring this up after listening to two many people talk about their search for this and that. Maybe you put too much energy into the searching and not enough energy into the projecting. The projection that you were already the person they wanted. Overconfidence? A bit. But not enough to make my life go badly. Ioffer this to any of my children who are looking for good advice from their father period. Even if they’re not. And now I will go back to waiting for our guest to arrive period. We have a dog coming to stay with us for a few days and that is cool.

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