8th August 2024

My Big Bang Theory

This summer is different from other summers. We’re living in what seems to be an episode of the bang. Meaning more specifically the sounds of construction. You take a big truck and you let the tailgate slam enough times during the day it will keep me awake. I have an idea what is going on because there are some roads being dug in behind and also the potato warehouse is growing but the why of the noise is unclear. The trucks do not seem to go any place or come from any worse. From my point of view if you’re bringing in piles of dirt I should hear your truck go by but that’s not happening so I really am left with a mystery that will probably be resolved next year when the construction is done. About the same time that the big windmills get put in I suppose. I can’t blame them for wanting to make things better even if it is only their point of view. It’s easy to write history but history without progress does not add much to the volume. And so starting at just after dawn the noise begins. Now if I lived in a big city that would be one thing but I am in the country about as far from the big town as you can get and that’s why I can only wait to see what they’re building at the other end of the road. I will probably be astonished but then again my threshold is lower than it used to be. We just had a visit from people that we’ve known for many years through camping. People that we see for a day or two each year but we do see them each year. Perennials. They also love our weather and although they did not comment on the construction noise I’m sure that they also notice the changes taking place.

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