31st August 2024

Idle Speculation

I am having moments of speculation. There are realtor signs on both sides of my property which leads me to believe that I am truly the man in the middle. As well those pesky windmills are coming. Shades of Lamancha. Having land for sale is rather new around here. Until now the ownership of properties has been very stable but now I wonder. Am I doomed to have an influx of new neighbours with different expectations than before. Will I have to adjust to a new dog next door? Will someone want to park in my driveway because it is so lovely? If I were was a rich man I could simply buy those properties because that’s how real estate works but I am not on such good terms with my financial backers. So I will have to wait and see what happens next. Possibly nothing. This is the time of the year that properties go on sale. The number of rich tourists who can hardly wait to have a chance to part with their cash are fewer than before. Something about global instability and high interest rates and all the other reasons given too slow gross. I will have to wait and see whether or not those signs harvest anything other than as I said speculation. I know that people are talking. I hear things through the Grapevine even if the vineyard is idle. Will it actually change anything for me in my daily routine? Not a chance I’m set in my ways and they know exactly where the limits of my property lie to within a few meters. But I want to know if I will have to learn a whole set of new names to replace those of the people that have been here that I have also never met. Probably the winter will come and go with no change. By then we should have better roads do due in part to the windmill people. I wonder would they pave my driveway if I begged nicely. Stood outside and waved my arms around. Oh well another nice day at least as we move towards the end of summer and a fall of wondering.

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