22nd September 2023

First thoughts on leaving home

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Today I spent a little while learning about the costs of senior housing. As in what does it cost when you leave your own home and go into an apartment run by the government. And it looks like a pretty good deal for them the math is simple they give you a place to live and you give them all your money. As you can see somebody wins and if you look at you no longer needing your own home you can declare it as surplus. Selling it off to the highest bidder. I’m not there yet but we did talk about it as a family group because we aren’t all the same age. As it turns out out of five children only two of us have to do our own lawns. What will that mean going forward? Well at some point each one of us will have to decide or have it decided for us that we are no longer able to live on our own at home and we will give up, but we spent a lifetime to accumulate and move into something that the government will consider as our almost final destination. Heavy thinking. It was of course the first time that all the siblings had been together in over four years. Something about a pandemic and a lot of kilometres. This time around we intend to spend the weekend as a group, and I think tomorrow I will get a hamburger and a hot dog and call it a good day. With that I’m wondering about all the noise outside. There seems to be a lot of unnecessary yelling over by the community centre. I hope they stay where they are for the night

This entry was posted on Friday, September 22nd, 2023 at 00:59 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 288 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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