4th September 2023

Planning a legacy

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I’m not sure how you make a judgment but I think I’ve become an actual senior citizen. Today I was introduced to someone else from the area. In this case our parents knew each other and we had a common set of places in our backstories. When I was much younger this would have been of little interest but as I said, I think I’m getting older I will have to do some more research but there apparently is a set of handwritten documents that details things that happened up here in this area almost a lifetime ago. Although I can no longer read them they have been digitized and they now want to know what did people do in those days before my time what did people do when travel was long and difficult and when you had to plan for things like winter. As I said I am getting older. I am now at the point where I want to know what is around me not just who is around me. I want to know if a penguin comes ashore. You know climate change and all that. I want to know what will happen if and whenever older landmarks should disappear. I suspect that they will not be really replaced and all that there will be left are our memories. Best to make sure those memories are clear and recorded and kept intact for those that come after me. Like my children or my cousins. So much work left to do. Time for me to check with the rest of my family and see what they can add to my story.
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