8th September 2024

That first bed

If you take the time to dig into any family history I’m sure you will find details that are odd. I hope that none were really odd let’s call them eccentric. Along about the point where one of my sisters was born we were also moving from one community to another and we took a place in a small apartment in the city. We did not come with a whole lot of furniture. This was a temporary location. And then almost as an afterthought one of my sisters was born. Now I’m digging deep into memories. I was young enough that I had not yet started school so do your own calendar work. But provide a place for her to sleep we made a decision. Again I had no decision making power but I feel that I was there. And so rather than investing in a large crib which would not have fit in the small apartment my parents chose to use a drawer. Taken from a chest of drawers as they used to say. A place where you kept all your clothes. They made furniture better back in those days perhaps but the drawer was taken out of the frame and placed I believe on top. And that became my new sister’s crib. I’m sure that she does not remember. In fact there are probably only two people left in the world that recall those times. Myself and another sibling period. The drawer was carefully lined with who knows what blankets. The baby slept there for months. Until we move to our next home which was in a large house. There may be pictures but I no longer have access to any of those materials so I will leave it to my sister to do her own. Can she find something about her first bed. I do not have any photos of my first bed and the next bed to come along was one of those metal contraptions that they used to use to torture small children. Just joking. The drawer was and timely solution. Used for only a few months until we had moved on to a new home. I would like to think that this is her founding story because we all need one. We had no dogs with us at that point so she can’t rely on that. We had only one car which was red and white and I hope she will not rely on that. I think the drawer is a much better story to hang on her wall. The next time I see her I will ask her if she wants someone to draw one up for her family history.

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