24th September 2024

Any new gear

Over the years I have investigated a number of hobbies. In my case it seems that all of those hobbies involve particular pieces of equipment. Music, photography, radio, cycling, and others a very long list. In all of these hobbies one of the fun parts is trying to determine whether or not you need newer and better equipment. Of course the answer is always yes but most of us have limited budgets so we must choose carefully. It still is fun to see what is coming down the pipes as they say. What would there be that would allow me to acquire more gear. It’s actually an intellectual exercise. Trying to judge whether or not the latest and greatest can can adequately replace something you have on hand. Or compliment that something. I realize that some of these hobbies can only be practiced using one piece of equipment at a time. Riding 2 bicycles at once is more of a circus trick. Taking multiple photos with multiple cameras is an exercise in frustration. Trying to play two tubes at once? It could be done I suppose although I have never had the kind of budget that allow me to buy even one tuba. Still I find myself going to the catalogs and the equipment reviews and the forums to see what other people have found that goose is that part of the brain that lives for new equipment. We live in an economy where the where your budget is the only limiting factor. I have not bought any new gear for a while but I still remember the feeling. I have rarely had buyer’s remorse. And, because I tend to be rational in my choices I have managed to keep the good stuff around four years. Decades even. It makes my basement really interesting for other people. I keep hoping that there will be somebody invent something really really new. Something that would allow me to go off on attack and discover new ways to find joy with my credit card. I try not to search too often because there’s always something that is close to being right. If you wonder where I spend a lot of my spare time it is in reviews of equipment done by other people. I have never done a review. It is still not too late I suppose, I have not had anything marvellous to show the world for awhile. Maybe next year. I am among other things an optimist.

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