22nd September 2024

Still seeking that rare bird

Today we went to a lighthouse. Not our lighthouse another one. We have a few of them in the area. The reason was not to see the light but rather to see a rare bird. By rare I mean one that comes with a pedigree. Letters beside its name in the master list the indicate that it is almost never seen in this area. By early afternoon we were parked up watching the ferry coming our way and waiting to see. At least, I was waiting in the safety of the RV. It makes no sense to send me down to wander on a foreign beach looking for something about the size of an oversized egg. I won’t see it but I could trip on it. And so I spent the afternoon there happily. It gave me time to think about other things. For example I do know some people living in that area and so I wondered if by chance I would run across one of them period. No more rare than certain birds. But, nothing. I wonder if those same people would recognize me after almost half a century. Maybe. Humans have a strong sense of recognizing some other people. Not all. The dogs have us beat cold on that one. At the end of the afternoon we had a light supper in the RV and then considered our possibilities. The idea of simply staying where we were made less and less sense given that we were totally unprepared other than being there. And so undercover of darkness we returned home. Time for another adventure perhaps tomorrow.

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