6th September 2023

A virtual moving day

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For those of you who grew up with lead pencils, you may remember the sense of joy when you brought a fresh new crayon to school. Such potential. An eraser that was complete. A whole pencil without teeth marks. Full length. And of course that would start to change then the first day. Once you sharpen the pencil it was already visibly shorter. Once you corrected the inevitable error the eraser was no longer full. And of course, the constant risk that your pencil would be stolen and moved to another row. Even tooth marks were not enough to identify your pencil. We have a valved. Today is moving day. Not in the sense of a new location but in the sense of a newer device. My data has moved from one machine to another and I have a fresh battery that will need to be charged but not as often. The actual moving is always stressful just like in real life. Well all of my data come over? Will I remember my passwords? Unlikely but I always hope. Will I figure out the new gestures needed to define things like erase in full screen and all the rest of it. The world of the tablet. I am making progress and I have completed my first language exercise. No worse than any other time. And I look forward to having a battery that lasts more than a couple of hours. As I said progress in the sense that we now do these things by plugging into the wall. Who would have thought of this back in the days when a yellow pencil was the best and only tool available.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 at 13:24 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 279 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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