7th September 2023

Testing for the greater good

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Our community just lost one of the better ones. We do not have an excess of people here so when you lose a good citizen the whole community suffers. This was someone who went out of his way to make others do better. Not exactly a teacher although he certainly was that, but someone who would take and push you to try something that you had not thought you could do yourself; community action mainly. We become complacent and we sit back waiting for others to take the role be it as politician or teacher or whatever. When someone does it just because they can others are taken back. They do not know how to react to someone who is simply there for their good. He will be missed. In passing if you have a chance to be tested for signs of cancer do so. You won’t always know that things are wrong until they really are. Public health does what it can but it does require that you as a member of the community take the time to do the test and send the test results back. Please.. Remember we need all the members of our community to make it through. The good will overcome the bad as they say. And if someone who is a positive actor leaves the stage early, the rest of the play will suffer. I do not know what else to add. This was unexpected and it cannot be changed. Leo was both a leader and an inspiration to others.
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