20th August 2023

My useless cash crop

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For most of my life I have been surrounded by a lawn. From a farming point of view probably the worst investment you can make. The market value of grass clippings seems to be 0 and the various rabbits to come through area ignore the crop that is available. They seem to prefer flowers. Anyhow through the years we’ve had various machines to take care of this worthless harvest. There was the Rotary model that sharpened itself and the small electric more that had to have the blade done by someone else where and now, we have a BGM or big green machine. I assume that sharpening is still part of the game but when I checked underneath I found that there were multiple blades and multiple pulleys and multiple belts and all of it beyond my level of competence. I hoped as I get older that there will be less things to learn but that does not seem to be the case. I have thought about the tools I have around here for sharpening metal blades. There’s a small wet stone that can be used to put an edge on a skate. Probably not appropriate. There is a large flat file that would work if I could see what I was doing but that is also not the case. I wonder what do people around here do? Should I go door to door and see who does this for fun or profit. Maybe just ask a friend. Or take it as a given that grass is less solid than lawn more blades and then I’m good for another few months. At least winter is coming and I’ll have a few months of re spite. A whole snow season to plan for the next growing season. As you can tell, I am not there yet. What if we just let things be? Right now the line is still getting shorter and we’re still managing to keep it looking like a golf course. Confession not me someone else. I have never driven the BGM. I know how to start the motor and where to put the gas but the machine is an alien creature to me. It does have a headlight apparently so that I could go and practice in the dark but I think I’ll let that be too many other bad things could happen along the way.

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