21st August 2023

Unexpected visitors

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There it is. A dreaded warning.  Apparently, the fob to start the car has a low battery. Who even knew there was a battery in there. Anyhow we will order a new battery probably from Amazon and then we’ll watch the video again and do something that requires magical tool dexterity and a little cover will open a new battery will go in and all I can wonder is with all we’ve learned to do in the 21st century can’t we have batteries that last longer than a year I mean seriously excuse me three years still needs to be changed and if you don’t change it you won’t get in your car and then you can’t drive to buy a new battery and on and on and on.

I had visitors today. That is rare because these were visitors that I have not seen in probably 20 years extended family. I was very glad to have them stop by although I would have liked a little more notice than: Hi! We are your cousins. That’s how it works when they arrived, I was busy making a bed, so I simply took the sheets and sat on them until the visit ended that way nothing was lost. Maybe the sheets are a little wrinkled but that’s what happens when you sleep on sheets right. It also rained I think I was checking. I was checking door locks and I’ve got one that does not open or close well but I was not going to stand out in the rain to learn more about the problem. I will wait for a nice sunny day and fix it at my leisure. Not much else to add about a day like today clean bed company rain. It all works out in the end.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 21st, 2023 at 21:36 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 299 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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