22nd August 2023

End of season dining

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This is the time of the year when paying someone to prepare a meal for you becomes a challenge. Let me explain. As we approach the opening of school the staff at local restaurants diminishes. With no real return. What happens when you decide to go out for supper is that you have to play a careful game of checking schedules and seeing who is still opened and when. Not always simple. Tonight I decided to stay here and work on leftovers in the fridge so as not to make the vote of others irrelevant. Let them choose their own supper I have food on hand. And so it went my supper is done my dishes are done and they’re just getting home from somewhere out. We’re still in bright daylight so I am hiding in the back bedroom in order to give myself a little bit of a chance of seeing what’s on the screen. I do not actually read but I look for motion which tells me that my talking is being interpreted by this magic machine. It was a quiet day here in the country no visitors at the door like yesterday, no unexpected deliveries. A few animals around but that was it. That’s partly why we wanted to go for supper just to make sure we understood that summer is over. Locally there is a big horse race that is used as the marker point on our calendars. I do not go to the races but I am quite aware that for some people they are an important distraction. Something about betting and hopefully become rich. From what I can tell few do. Not even the horses who have to do the running around the track. I also understand that I could find tractor races if I was interested but somehow that doesn’t seem to have the same grace as horses running in a big circle. My take on things of course.

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