19th August 2023

Slugging through the email bug

posted in Uncategorized |

Like many I took e-mail for granted for a very long time period years and years. I received too much e-mail and most of it was boring but at least I received e-mail. I am now in a new phase and I cannot depend on getting any given message on any given day. My fault I don’t always see them anymore and they can be cryptic because people avoid putting headings on their messages. Just for fun I’ll say that’s my fault. Anyhow this evening we were trying to find a statement from our propane company. We knew it had come. We just didn’t know to what account or on what date. And so we spent time trying to load the message from you found it and it would not load because e-mail can be really ignorant sometimes. As stupid as if it was run by a machine period now i took care of e-mail services for over 8000 people for many years and I thought I’d seen all the problems. Remember that old line about physician heal myself? Well i was a technician at everything came back to my desk eventually. As i say i’ve moved on past that point and I now get emails that come someplace. One of multiple devices. Should I fix this problem? Obviously. But I’m not there yet. Maybe tomorrow or maybe the next day. Keep an eye on me because I can work miracles when I put my mind to it. Anyhow we now have the bell and it has been paid and they will not be coming back to reclaim their propane. Is that even a thing? I’m sure they’ve thought of it. There’s probably a repo truck summers that comes and pumps all the gas at your cylinders. I have never seen it but i believe because they are a company and that’s the way life rolls around here.

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