18th August 2023

I no longer want to give directions

posted in Uncategorized |

This is a request. To all of you who share living space with me. Please do not ask me for directions to anything. It seems that I am under the illusion that I still remember where things are found things like stores. Today I tried to give directions to a bookstore. A large bookstore. And it seems that since i haven’t been there for about a decade it’s changed names and location. If you go there who knows what you will find end of rant. Moving right along at least at home I know where most things can be found. Not all and sometimes the refrigerator throws me for a loop. I know where I left the tub of yogurt but there might be something else in its place. Please show great patience as a search tactile rather than visual for things I will get there you can wait that little extra time. Again thank you outside I’ve learned not to depend on where things might be. Instead I am going to advertise for a permanent guide. Maybe a dog. Apparently they do that much better than me. There is, of course, a waiting list. I did try to recruit a new dog night before last and he was good while he was here but he was easily distracted and went home. I need something more regular in my life. Please do not suggest cats as I am very allergic to their fur. As for the fox is outside all they seem to care about are biscuits I throw an they retrieve. End of the game. No fox has ever brought me back something I threw which means I’m only going to get as much as I put out there myself. How long until we have reliable robots? You know, like those shows from the 60s. The ones that tried to convince us that we’re all going to live much better in the coming years. I feel cheated because I did not get a flying car either.

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