3rd October 2024

Our version of AI

Out of knowledge comes strength. Not sure of the origins of that model. Perhaps it was something I over heard. Or found in a book. Or over heard while going through a book. It doesn’t really matter much. Lately the world is coming alive to the idea of AI. Which from what I have learned is a fancy way of saying that with enough data and the right analysis tools you increase your net worth. Still waiting to find an application. Lately we have been considering the idea of getting a dish for the roof of the van. Something to allow us access to data while away from home. Here is the point of the exercise. We want to make a decision that will not leave us filled with buyer’s remorse. And if we can get a tool such as AI to analyze our possibilities we might choose the right solution. Things like which dish to buy or which data service to subscribe. Too much information for a tiny human brain. However the whole idea of letting an app analyze our needs and spit back  a response seems worthwhile. Yes I know that garbage in gives garbage out but I can do a pre-analysis. I can look at what we have already done and what is available to us in our local market. I know how much we can afford and whether or not we are willing to make the plunge. We will. Perhaps not today or tomorrow but soon. I think that came from a movie I saw once. Anyhow we have been studying the solutions that are currently available to mount a dish on a van. All of them require some DIY. At least we do not want to use the dish while moving which reduces the engineering skills we would need. It could be that something as simple as a junk of PVC pipe and the trailer hitch would give us a solution. We probably have the winter to draw up a solution to a problem that isn’t really there. And we will. We have the time. And the idea of being cut off from the world because we left the house is too much to pay period. At least we have YouTube. There are others that are trying to solve the same problem. And if we can consolidate all of those answers we will have a personal version of AI to get us over the bump.

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