12th October 2024

Windy outside

The wind has been blowing now for hours and I am really noticing that it does not sound the same way as it does at home. It makes sense. We are in a different region with different landscape and different tree cover. Right now I keep imagining myself on a sailing ship with high winds but that is not what it is actually like here. I am rather sheltered from the outside world. A lot of pine trees. Last night we had some rain and I was unable to tell how heavy it was falling. Even in the RV where we hear each raindrop the sensation is different than when I am at home in my favourite chair. I’m inside a home with good Wi-Fi so that I can get my daily exercises out of the way. I think we’re going up to the city later today to try some stealth camping on a city street. Something we have done before but each time we approach it as if it was the first. Better to be aware of what is going on around us. Who knows? We might actually get a place in a driveway off the street where people will not even pay attention to us other than the fact that we are a vehicle from another province. I put each of these moments into my memory. For going forward. Not going to write a book about travel on a day-to-day basis. This blog will have to suffice. I have not been paying attention to the news for several days but I’m going to assume that all is well in the outside world. We will finish out this trip and head back to home base to get ready for winter. Time to put the deck furniture under the deck as they say. And put away anything else that we do not want to sacrifice to the snow. Given the falling temperature we will also have to winterize this vehicle. Like any other year. Our life goes on.

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