17th October 2024

On the river bank

With a minimum of effort supper was over. The kind of food that you eat when at a picnic. Or camping. We are on the last leg before home, stopped in a small campground on the bank of a river just upstream from provincial capital. I have been to this campground a number of times and on each occasion I have been satisfied. Completely. No hassles and no trees in the way. The highway ride was also without note. I did have a breakfast from Big Mac and I did watch the trucks go by. While listening to CBC radio. I tend to do CBC in binges. Each time I learn new things they would having to follow a storyline. I can only wonder what the life of a journalist is like. Did I learn anything in particular today? No but maybe tomorrow. On that last leg towards home. The weather has been excellent and we found gas stations when we needed them and at night we curl up and sleep lake logs. Or dogs. You take your pick. I considered taking the dog from last night along with us. The owner would probably notice the disappearance although it does seem like a new friend to me. One that comes over even when there isn’t food being offered. Almost a perfect dog one would say. I think my sneezing has stopped as my body grows accustomed so much fur. But we will put that behind us. There is winter yet. We should also go to a bookstore. Not for me but to pick up the most recent book by an author we have followed for years. Someone here will read through quickly with gusto. Is that a good word for literature?

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