16th October 2024

A new phone

Another day of affirmation. When I say that you should plan before you go, I am reassured that this is a worthwhile step. Under list today we had looking for a new sleeping bag and looking for a new phone. Neither necessary but fun to do when you have the chance. The sleeping bag searched did not go as well as we had hoped. Too many options and none of them absolutely correct for what we wanted. As for a telephone or a cell phone, you put yourself in the hands of sales people. People have only one goal and that is not your satisfaction. The larger the list of products they can sell you the happier they are at the end of the day. And so after three hours we had a new phone number on a new phone. The salesperson told us that what we had received from the other company was nothing more than a placebo. And actually, I agree. But we came away from the experience with more gear and less money which is the whole point of business. As for the sleeping bag we will continue looking for the perfect equipment. I learned that parking a truck in the dark is not nearly as much fun as it seems in the movies. A lot more stress then I would have believed even when I wasn’t the driver. But it all worked out thanks to some #1 who understands the mechanics of the whole thing. We went to bed and woke up the next day to frost on the windows. I said that we were getting late in the season. Title a new phone

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