12th July 2024

Getting laundry done

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Did you do your laundry recently? Was it difficult? I actually do not care about your answers I’m just making a point. Our way of doing laundry has changed dramatically. I’ve been doing the throw it in the washer and wait till it’s done method for half a century but I came along at a time when people still had a ringer washer. I was warned over and over and over again not to put my fingers in the ringer. I was also taught how to yell for help if I did so and so I never did either. But you have to wonder for the people of this age what they would do if faced with the need to wring out their clothes. We spin until we’re happy. We know that machines can do a much better job then we can of removing all the water we put in to get the wash done. We can also rinse our clothes thoroughly. That may sound like a lot of work but it is so necessary. If you have ever had to wear clothes that were still soapy you know what I mean. And we have been doing laundry in the home for centuries. Seriously I do not think that anybody that I know ever had to go out to a stream and beat their clothes against a rock. You might see that in a movie but it does not reflect our realities of life. Also we have hot water now. Do not laugh yes that is a big deal. Combined with powerful soaps and a bit of time we can wear clean clothes every day of the week unless you really get your schedule out of whack. As I said for me it has been half a century so that even in university when I had no time for anything I still could manage to get a couple of loads of laundry done in the basement of a building. Never had to wash anything in the washroom or take it home to mom. Too far to travel. We can make jokes but we live in a very clean society.

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