A break, to fast
This day is starting to get a little long. I blame the dog, in part; he seemed to need me as the designated “open the door and let me out” assistant, twice during the night. Messes with the REM sleep, big time. In fact, when it came time to go off for a real breakfast, I took a break, to fast.
That got me through until noontime. Now I realize that the problem is deeper. This is my first holiday in just short of three decades without the kids. I even contemplated a mad dash trip, last evening, but common sense got the better; they’re off, doing whatever you do when you are in a big city without dependencies. After all, the dog is here.
And so I have compensated, with food. Prepared a lovely roast of beef (not much effort required, other than remembering to pull things out before and charring occurs). Had some, while watching another episode of Fir Bolg from RTE. I don’t have to understand, with subtitles in option, but I like that my ear now gets whole sentences rather than the whole syllables (this time last year). Maybe, by next year, I’ll be able to talk to the TV. Not recommended, but it would be a proof of concept on my learn from an app language studies.
I finally decided to profit from the clement weather and hide away my double length of conduit before deep snow returns. That way, if I suddenly need a makeshift antenna mast (preparations, as seen by a ham), I’ll be ready.