Pennies still count
I’ve followed this evening’s local news with an episode of Gerry Dee, followed by an episode of Sheldon. Found humour all the way. What has my life become?
I could have gone to the city, this afternoon; the car was available. Decided to postpone until tomorrow. Or the next day. After all, mustn’t do everything right away. Stretch it out. Keep the tension high. Again, what has my life become?
Actually, the highlight of this week should be receiving my new spectacles. An improved outlook. I’ll have to learn some new habits, as the surface abrasion on my current pair might be due to a lack of care on my part. Sees that paper towels and shirt tails are contraindicated. Something to think about…
Watching the various late night hosts provide feedback post debate (thank you, YouTube), I realize that none take the possibility of being Trumped seriously. As if someone is going to throw a switch and derail the runaway train, just in time. Wake up! This isn’t a Hollywood adventure flick! All it takes is a “hanging chad” (go ahead, Google for a concise explanation. Let me know when all is clear.)
Why can’t we produce a video clip to decide political impasse? My current earworm involves “Cake On The Beach” (either English or Irish lyrics).
Not much else happening here. Other than the receipt of a mailed land tax notice which increments with late penalties, going back twenty days already. Does anyone else detect a cash grab here? Pennies still count.