Hot lead instead of hot cash
Thank you, the famous ball player who gave us the perfect quote for a Canadian winter: “It ain’t over till it’s over”. This morning, when I was wandering around, outside, barefoot (had to untangle a dog and his lead from the bird feeder pole), I was willing to believe that we’d have to push new plants back underground. This evening, as the wind howls and a whole new layer of snow moves (sideways) past the deck rail…
Nothing on the forecast about this. In fact, there was almost a delegation enroute to the city to do the 3D movie experience when supper was delayed and the trip got a rescheduled until tomorrow ticket. Now, I’m sitting and wondering if MarElec will do their second scheduled outage during the night; not fit to put the dog out, much less climb poles.
Of course, there’s curling to watch. The Scotties have started, (minus the Homan team). I’ll pick up a few days of distraction watching the rocks.
In the news, a throwback to the hard times of the ’30s, with a botched bank robbery in T.O. Shootout, etc. I’d read that there was no future in stickups; can you find better proof than getting hot lead instead of hot cash? Is this a sign of desperation, or stupidity? I mean, all you have to do to make a pile of illegal cash is to hang around with friends of the government.
I know, I’m unfair. Maybe the elected officials are really virtuous caring creatures, and any missing money is an accounting oversight. Right.