Pull back the wires
The bins are filled and pulled to the curb. Another small step toward an emptied basement. Emphasis on small; with takeaway on a two week schedule, either I rent a dumpster, or we stay through another couple of seasons. Too much stuff still on hand.
I also removed the data wires, out in several years ago to carry raw weather bits from the console to the server. Neatly tucked out of view, under the cupboards and down along a drain to the basement before making a jog through another wall. Here’s the thing; you can’t pull it back as easily. I spent my supper energy in corners that I’ll never visit again.
Time to do something else. Perhaps a Downton binge, which needs a minimum nine hours of attention.
I liked that the blog theme noted the calendar advance and made some neat hooks to “details” (copyright notice, etc.) Beats editing code pages.
The new year will bring lots of political fun. So much that one website made a list of “15 things to watch for in the news”. Think about that one.
Mustn’t forget food notes. That box of half-price wings we shared last night were tasty, and didn’t keep me reminded all night long. When one gets to a “certain age”, that takes on increased importance…
And now let the year begin. By my calculation, we’ve moved into the new calendar in every time zone. On the web, fireworks pics from around the world. New month on the wall (to keep track of when the bins need to be pulled to the too of the driveway). The dog doesn’t seem to notice, but he’s like that.